Overtime Work Measures in Japan

lMinistry of Health, Labor and Welfare takes overtime seriously and recently, the control of the labor standards inspection office is getting strict in Japan.



lEmployers are required to monitor track of employee’s working hours because the level of tiredness is commonly estimated by overtime work hours.


ØRelationship between overtime work hours and brain / heart disease;

²        >100 hrs, within 1 month          Strong relationship!!

²        >80 hrs, within 2-6 months         Strong relationship

²        >45 hrs                         Relationship exists

²        <45hrs, within 6months           Weak relationship



l It is the company’s responsibility to acknowledge employees’ health situation and excessive working hours.

Managing Overtime & Excessive Working Employees in Japan

nOn an employee request bases, company must give company doctor’s consultations to employees who’s overtime working hours exceed 100 hours per month and show signs of fatigue.


nAlso, for employees who’s average overtime working hours are 80 to 100 hours (in past 2 to 6 months), company must try to give  company doctor’s consultations on an employee request bases (努力義務).



nCompany doctors will provide consultation and recommendation report to employers and the record must be kept for 5 years.



nEmployers must make actions when recommended by company doctor.


ne.g. Working hour limitations, Replacement, Report to Hygiene Committee Meeting.

General Actions against Overtime and Excessive Working Hours

nOvertime work managements.

n<45 hrs a month.

nTime card, online time management application.


nAnnual vacation.


n Carrying out annual health check-up and its follow up.


nAsking for a doctor’s opinion for a person with abnormal findings and act.


nCarrying out health check-up semiannually for employees with late-shift work.


nWorking hour limitations.

Company Doctor Consultations with Employees with Overtime Working Hours

nCompany doctor would;


1. Analyze data of his/her periodic health check-up report and search for signs of lifestyle diseases and abnormal readings.



2. Check whether an employee has a high chance of developing depression.


ü  A loss of interest or pleasure?

ü   A feeling of depression?


Ø  If Both answers are Yes.”⇒  Sensitivity for depression is 90%.



3.  Ask about his/her ;


ü         Appetite

ü         Body weigh

ü         Mental statement

ü         Tiredness

ü         Responsibility

ü         Desire to suicide

ü         Decrease in thought and concentration

ü         Sleeping patterns