Here is an information about radiation exposure from National Institute of Radiological Sciences.
- Potassium Iodine (KI)(ヨウ素剤) is an over the counter drug in USA and some other countries, but this is a prescribed medicine in Japan.
- Only the people who has taken in the Iodine by Iodine radiation exposure (放射性ヨウ素への被爆で放射性ヨウ素が体内に入ってしまった人のみ) will benefit from this medicine. This will not work for external exposure (外部被爆) and radionuclide(放射性核種).
- This medicine has some side effects, such as allergy, thyroid function disorders, and renal function disorders.
- Radiation-medical professionals will make decisions about the needs to take this medicine.
- Please do not drink or take disinfectant solution/spray containing Iodine.
- They are not for drinking and may contaion some harmful chemical materials.
- And, the amount of Iodine in these disinfectant solution/spray are too small to have any preventitive effect.
- Seaweed contains Iodine, but the amount of Iodine in the seaweed is not constant and you cannot expect to get a benefit from it. Also, seaweeds takes long time to digest and absorb.
- Potassium Iodine (KI)(ヨウ素剤) is a prescribed medicine and only physicians (doctors) can prescribe this medicine in Japan. This medicine should be only taken under the right instruction after the radiation exposure at the refuge.