Updates On Dengue Fever In Japan




FACTS (latest updates from The Ministry of Health)

40-50 cases by 3rd Sept.

All cases have not been abroad.

All cases have been to Yoyogi Park in Tokyo in August between 10th Aug  and 26th Aug.

The government has given up disinfecting whole Yoyogi park.


Dengue fever is classified in the 4th grade under Japanese Infection law.

All physicians who see Dengue fever patients have to report to the local health officer (mandatory).


Yoyogi Park is one of the biggest park in Tokyo and many people go for a jog or spend their weekends here.

Quite a lot of people, especially non-Japanese people, live near this park.


(Mosquitoes can live as far as 700m away from the water. So, the most of Tokyo is quite safe now.)



Inform our Tokyo employees about Dengue Fever and how to prevent it.

May be good to tell people to stay away from Yoyogi Park for a while.


For More Informations In English

CDC Dengue Fever




Preventing the Flu: Good Health Habits Can Help You Stay Healthy

The spread of this novel H1N1 Influenza is thought to be happening in the same way that seasonal flu spreads.

The below 6 healthy habits can protect everyone from getting germs or spreading germs at home, work, or school. 

1.Cover your mouth and nose.
 Humidify and protect mucosa of mouth and nose. Consider using masks. Gargle often.
 Cough Etiquette. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.

2.Clean your hands.
 Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs.
 Wash your hands often with soap and water for 15 to 20 seconds, especially after you cough or sneeze.

 Alcohol-based hands cleaners and gels are also effective. Rub them into hands until they are dry.

3.Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
 Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.

4.Avoid close contact and stay home when you are sick.
 Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people. 

If you get sick, stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to protect them from getting sick too. Stay home for 7 days after your symptoms begin or until you have been symptom-free for 24 hours, whichever is longer.

5.Practice other good health habits. Keep your immune system strong.
 Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.

6.Use the reliable mainstream media as your best source of information about what has happened, and the blogs as your best warning about what might happen.

What is a ‘Hygiene Committee’?

Hygiene Committee improves employees’ health condition and working environment considering following items;


    Working environment management

    Work management

     Health care

     System of labor hygiene management

      Labor hygiene education

      Correspondence to important matters



Hygiene Committee Activities

-Responsible for holding a monthly meeting (mostly with company doctor).


-Responsible for recording minutes, disclosure to all employees and keep it for 5 years.

Actions in Accordance with the Industrial Safety and Health Law

Actions in Accordance with the Industrial Safety and Health Law

1. Good working environment

2. Safe and comfortable working management

3. Health check-up and health care

4. System for quick response

5. Education about labor hygiene and health

6. Hygiene Committee Meeting


Outlines of Industrial Safety and Health Law

Industrial Safety and Health Law suggests Obligation for your employees’ safety and health such as;


  1. Working environment management
  2. Work management
  3. Health care
  4. System of labor hygiene management
  5. Labor hygiene education
  6. Correspondence to important matters

  n      Overwork and Overtime working

   n      Mental health 

   n      Reinstatement

Obligation of the Industrial Safety and Health Law is a Minimum Risk Management for your company in Japan.

Recently, the Control of the Labor Standards Inspection Office is strengthened, and the Number of their Recommendation is Rapidly Increasing


n      1996 Indications about health check-up.

n       「健康診断結果に基づき事業者が講ずべき措置に関する指針」を策定


n      1999 Rules about mental disease from working stress.

n       「心理的負荷による精神障害等に係る業務上外の判断指針について」


n      2000 Indications about employee’s mental health.

n       「事業場における労働者の心の健康づくりのための指針」


n      2001 Rules about appropriate working time.

n       「労働時間の適正な把握の為に使用者が講ずべき措置に関する基準」


n      2001Rules about cerebrovascular disease and ischemic heart disease.

n       「脳血管疾患及び虚血性心疾患等の認定基準」


n      2002 Measures about overwork and health problems.

n       「過重労働による健康障害防止の為の総合対策」


n      2003 Rules about overtime working.

n       「賃金不払い残業総合対策要領」「サービス残業解消対策指針」


n      2004 Indication about reinstatement of employees who suffered from a mental disease

n       「心の健康問題により休業した労働者の職場復帰支援の手引き」


n      2006 Rules about overwork and health problems.

n       「過重労働による健康障害防止のための総合対策について


Obligation of the Industrial Safety and Health Law is a Minimum Risk Management for your company in Japan.